2009-06-15 11:04:43 UTC
I've just upgraded to 1.82, and Basic authentication not work in
embedded mode,
Yaws config is:
set_conf([LogDir,DocRoot]) ->
GC = yaws_config:make_default_gconf(false,umts),
GC2 = GC#gconf{
trace = false,
ebin_dir = [code:lib_dir(yaws)++ "/ebin"],
include_dir = [code:lib_dir(yaws)++ "/include"],
logdir = LogDir
AuthDirs = [{"/",#auth{dir = "/",
realm = "Gestion",
users = [{"User","Password"}],
SC = #sconf{
port = 8888,
listen = {0, 0, 0, 0},
authdirs = AuthDirs,
docroot = DocRoot
case catch yaws_api:setconf(GC2, [[SC]]) of
ok -> {ok, started};
Error -> {stop, Error}
In 1.80 works ok.
In 1.82 no
WWW-Authenticate header is sent from yaws while in 1.80 it's sent ok.
¿ Any Idea ?
I've just upgraded to 1.82, and Basic authentication not work in
embedded mode,
Yaws config is:
set_conf([LogDir,DocRoot]) ->
GC = yaws_config:make_default_gconf(false,umts),
GC2 = GC#gconf{
trace = false,
ebin_dir = [code:lib_dir(yaws)++ "/ebin"],
include_dir = [code:lib_dir(yaws)++ "/include"],
logdir = LogDir
AuthDirs = [{"/",#auth{dir = "/",
realm = "Gestion",
users = [{"User","Password"}],
SC = #sconf{
port = 8888,
listen = {0, 0, 0, 0},
authdirs = AuthDirs,
docroot = DocRoot
case catch yaws_api:setconf(GC2, [[SC]]) of
ok -> {ok, started};
Error -> {stop, Error}
In 1.80 works ok.
In 1.82 no
WWW-Authenticate header is sent from yaws while in 1.80 it's sent ok.
¿ Any Idea ?